- Cats have more than 20 muscles that allow their ears to move.
- Isaac Newton is believed to have invented the cat flap.
- A fondness or love for cats is called ailurophilia.
- Cats can make over 100 types of vocal sounds, while dogs are only able to make 10.
- Today there are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world.
- Australia can legitimately be called a ’cat country’ — statistics show that there are nine cats per ten people there.
- In the original Italian version of ’Cinderella’, the fairy godmother was a cat.
- In a great many European countries as well as North America, black cats are thought to bring bad luck, but in Great Britain and Australia they are associated with good luck.
- The surface of cat’s nose is as unique as a person’s fingerprints.
- Cats use their whiskers to find out if they can fit through or into a small space.
- Cats can’t climb down from trees facing downwards because of the way their claws are designed; they can only go backwards.
Courtesy of brightside.com