GrownUps New Zealand

Fun Facts – 04 February 2015

did you know wider

– 84% of Vegetarians and Vegans go back to eating meat.

– In an emergency coconut water can be used as a blood plasma.

– The expiration date on bottled water is for the bottle, not the water.

– Mail-order marriages are less likely to end in divorce than marriages overall in the United States.

– The fizzy sensation on your tongue from carbonated drinks is not caused by the tiny bubbles popping; the fizz is our actual taste of carbon dioxide.

– There is a species of pig called “Mangalitsa” which has wool on it which resembles that of a sheep.

– Monica’s apartment from “Friends” is estimated to cost $3,500,000.

– NASA engineers and employees in the firing room celebrate successful launches with a tradition of eating beans.

– In an international study that looked at age and happiness, people were their unhappiest at 46 years old.

– Coca-Cola was originally sweetened with wine.

Courtesy of crazy