GrownUps New Zealand

Stay fit while you stay home – self-isolation is no excuse!

We all know that exercise is important – for health both mental and physical, and for one way to pass the time when we’re in lockdown. If you can’t continue swimming regularly, and your usual walk puts you too close to other people, here are a few ideas for keeping fit – and safe – during the virus crisis.

Do a video work out

No, it’s not the 80s again! But video workouts have been making a comeback as more people stay inside. There are lots and lots to choose from, so make sure you mix it up by doing some cardio, some body weights, and some more calming stretching or yoga. Have a Google and find the ones you like best. We’ve discovered these:

Take a walk around the garden

Unless you’re in an apartment or have a very small yard, your garden should have ample space. It can get a bit mind-numbing walking in circles, so put on the radio, or play some music or an audiobook while you go. You’ll be surprised at how quickly the time goes, and how many steps you can take.

Wash the car

Hauling buckets of water, dragging the hose around your vehicle, and scrubbing and buffing your car’s finish is a great work out! It’s also a lot of fun, and with the prices of professional washes as they are, it’s a real money saver, too. Even people in drought areas can carry buckets and polish fenders.

Get gardening

Pruning roses might be one thing, but if you’ve been meaning to dig out a new garden bed, rake the yard, sweep the garage out or mow the lawn, now’s the time. You’ll leave your garden looking spick and span and get some satisfying exercise in as well.

Walk the stairs

If you have stairs in your house or on your deck, you’re in luck! Stair-climbing is officially classed as a ‘vigorous exercise’ and burns more calories per minute than jogging. Try to get in three bursts of ten minutes going up and down throughout the day, which will give you a cardio and a body-weight workout. Be careful to hold onto the rail!

Bake some bread – by hand

You’ll be surprised at how energetic kneading bread can be. A good dough needs at least 10 minutes of vigorous kneading, and sourdough needs about 15 minutes. Just put away any of your helpful gadgets – this needs to be a workout! Here’s a simple recipe for white bread. And if you fancy sourdough, here’s a recipe for that, too.

Be happier and healthier with exercise

Living in lockdown can be mind-numbing, irritating and depressing. Fight off the isolation blues and make the time pass more quickly with a plan to exercise in different ways every day. Follow a routine of stretching, strengthening and cardio, climb steps, do outside chores, and make bread by hand. You’ll feel fitter, happier and healthier if you do.