GrownUps New Zealand

The Singh Family

4537 The Signh Family

A Mt Roskill family who decided to turn their lives around and become fit and healthy, have boosted their already active lives thanks to the arrival of a new four legged family member – Rufus the Beagle.

With a family history of heart disease, Ranita and DJ Singh decided two years ago that it was important for them to become more active and improve their eating habits to protect themselves and their family from heart disease.

During this time the family have become more and more active and each have their favourite fitness activities. They also spend time getting fit together by walking and playing with Rufus.

“Having Rufus has made a real difference. The kids are always outside playing and running around”, says DJ.

Their approach to eating has also changed. Ranita makes more home cooked meals filled with fruit and vegetables and less fried food.

Since starting their healthier lifestyle, DJ has lost 17 kilograms. He is committed to his fitness regimen of going to the gym and taking walks with his family.

Ranita is also fitter and healthier. “Our new lifestyle allows us to get through the day without feeling exhausted and we are spending far more quality time with our children.”

Four legged friend gives family extra fitness boost