GrownUps New Zealand

Oxfam New Zealand

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In a world rich in resources, poverty is not inevitable. Instead poverty results from unjust policies and the denial of basic human rights and opportunities.

Oxfam is committed to ending the cycle of poverty, helping the world’s poor to help themselves and achieve real and lasting change. With the help of our generous donors we work with people and communities in the Pacific, Asia and Africa. We focus our efforts on whole communities, not just individuals and on tackling the causes of poverty, not just the symptoms.

Oxfam New Zealand is an independent, secular humanitarian and development agency, affiliated to Oxfam International. A bequest is a special gift from one generation to another. By remembering Oxfam in your will, you are providing people who really need support with hope for their future and the future of their children.

For more information please contact
Oxfam New Zealand
(09) 355 6509 or 0800 400 666
Fax (09) 355 6505 or email