GrownUps New Zealand

Green Prescription Graduates

4475 Green Prescription Graduates

Graduates from the Mt Roskill Green Prescription programme continue to meet and support one-another after completing their six-month physical activity programme.

They have committed to being active and healthy for the rest of their lives. All group members have experienced at least one debilitating illness and have come out the other side, thanks to the Green Prescription programme and the help of fellow members.

Audrey Gifford, an 81-year-old graduate and SPARC gold medal winner, has survived two types of cancer, jaundice and osteoporosis.

She thinks the programme has been wonderful for her health and enjoys exercising and eating healthy food every day.

During the course of the program she lost 20 kilograms and now feels much better than before.

Three years ago Trevor Ellary was always sick. He had been in and out of hospital, with double pneumonia, diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis and had multiple heart bypasses.

Now Trevor is walking, water walking, going to the gym and taking part in Round the Bays. He has lost 20 kilograms and is the fittest he has ever been.

Trevor says “I couldn’t have done it without the motivation of the other group members – they are like family now!”

If you would like to achieve similar benefits, talk to your doctor or practice nurse about the Green Prescription programme.
For more information about the Green Prescription programme phone 0800ACTIVE (0800 228 483).