GrownUps New Zealand

Joint Pain, Gout and the Wonders of Tart Cherry

9630 Radiance Tart Cherry GoutEze

Many of you will be familiar with being woken at 1 am with searing, throbbing discomfort in the large joint of the big toe. This red, inflamed joint discomfort and swelling can make sleeping impossible and walking an incredible feat. For some unlucky people, it is not only the big toe which is affected but also the joints of the feet, ankles, knees, hands and elbows. It affects an unfortunate 5-10% of the New Zealand population and is most common in adult men.

The causative factor behind this very particular joint discomfort is raised blood levels of a metabolic by-product called uric acid. Uric acid is produced naturally in the body from the metabolism of purines. Purines are found in our own DNA and RNA and are also found in high levels in some foods and drinks such as liver, anchovies, mackerel, sardines, shellfish, yeast and red meat. Normally uric acid stays dissolved in the blood and is excreted by the kidneys as a component of urine.

Under-excretion or over-production of uric acid (or both) can result in high uric acid levels in the blood. When this occurs uric acid can crystallise and turns into needle-like crystals of monosodium urate, these then deposit in the joints causing discomfort and burning. Risk factors for uric acid build-up include genetic predisposition, a diet high in purines and fructose, obesity, high alcohol intake, certain medications, sudden weight loss and kidney dysfunction. Left untreated, attacks tend to get more frequent and severe leading to continual pain and stiffness. High uric acid levels are also associated with kidney and heart disease.

One helpful supportive measure is the product Radiance® Tart Cherry GoutEze, a comprehensive supplement for supporting healthy uric acid levels, joint comfort and function. A multifaceted product, Radiance® Tart Cherry GoutEze helps support healthy uric acid production and inflammatory processes with Tart Cherry while also aiding the healthy excretion of excess uric acid with the great alkaliser sodium bicarbonate and the superstar nutrients vitamin C and magnesium.

We here at Radiance® appreciate that the joint discomfort associated with urate needles is reportedly one of the most uncomfortable health conditions documented so we added MSM to the formula to provide the best support for healthy inflammatory processes, joint repair and comfort. Those pesky urate crystals love to congregate where there is sluggish blood flow and cold temperatures so we added the warming, circulatory stimulating ginger which is also pretty darn good at promoting joint comfort.

Alongside taking Radiance® Tart Cherry GoutEze, we have collated 14 top tips which may prove helpful for supporting healthy uric acid levels and healthy, comfortable big toes and other joints.

1. Beer and spirits have to go. Alcohol interferes with the elimination of uric acid from your body. Drinking beer, which also contains purines and yeast, seems to be the worst culprit for inducing joint discomfort. Try and eliminate these drinks altogether, but don’t despair, an occasional glass of red wine a week may be acceptable.

2. Sorry, soft drinks and juice are out too. Swapping beer for soft drinks or juice may seem like the best option for a former beer drinker, but this may not be the case. Researchers have shown that drinking just two cans of soft drinks or glasses of juice a day nearly doubles the risk of a having an attack. The culprit is high amounts of fructose, so be aware and avoid anything which lists corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient.

3. Drink at least 2 litres of water daily. Uric acid is far more likely to form urate crystals when they are concentrated. Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day helps to keep uric acid in solution and aids its excretion. This is probably one of the most important recommendations.

4. You can still have your daily coffee. Research suggests that phytochemicals within coffee may inhibit the enzymes which turn purines into uric acid; this is great news for the legions of coffee drinkers! There is also some evidence to suggest that a couple of green teas a day won’t hurt your uric acid lowering endeavors.

5. Have a glass of milk. We are lucky here in NZ to have pasture-fed cows as research out of our very own Auckland University shows that our dairy herds provide high amounts of orotic acid in their milk. This is shown to help the body to excrete excess uric acid via the kidneys.

6. Get your hands out of the biscuit tin! Refined carbohydrates and sugars, present in not only biscuits, cakes and sweets but also in white bread, pasta, noodles, crackers and all those junk foods are shown to induce inflammation, redness and swelling in the joints. Refined sugars also contribute to obesity and insulin resistance of which both are linked to high uric acid levels and joint discomfort.

7. Reduce your meat, shellfish and offal. The highest amounts of purines, can be found in fish like anchovies, herring, mackerel, sardines, shellfish and caviar. They are also found in large amounts in offal, red meat, and yeast. Although purines are found in some vegetables, these purines tend to be less likely to cause an exacerbation of joint discomfort.

8. Eat more fruit and veges. Aside from just being great for you in general, fruits and veges are good sources of essential minerals which help to alkalise the body and support the excretion of excess uric acid. Celery is a great pick as it has special benefits for supporting healthy joint function and comfort.

9. Get into the berries. Blue-berries, bilberries, cherries and blackcurrants all provide anthocyanins, these helpful little polyphenols support the inhibition of xanthine oxidase, the enzyme which catalyses the production of uric acid. Berries also help to promote a healthy inflammatory response in the body.

10. Eat some fresh pineapple. The stem and internal core of pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain which helps support a healthy inflammatory response and may aid in the excretion of excess uric acid.

11. Toss some turmeric and ginger in your curry. These lovely culinary spices not only taste great but also have numerous benefits for supporting a healthy inflammatory response and healthy circulation and healing.

12. Lose weight, but slowly. Obesity and diabetes are linked with unhealthy uric acid levels and joint discomfort. Losing weight is important as a long term strategy, yet it must be achieved slowly. As the body is made up of purines, drastic weight loss may result high uric acid and an exacerbation.

13. Keep those feet warm. Uric acid loves to form together into pointy, needle like, joint irritating urate crystals when the area gets cold. So keep those feet and extremities warm; wear socks to bed and maybe invest in a foot spa.

14. So all in all, follow a healthy diet, make sure you drink lots of water, lay off the beers and take Radiance® Tart Cherry GoutEze to maintain healthy uric acid levels and a healthy you.