GrownUps New Zealand

R50: The Sex Life of NZ GrownUps

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Our 2015 GrownUps Sex Survey was such a hit we have re-released the results.

There’s a myth out there that life stops once you hit your 50s. Not so!

We know that GrownUp’s are still living amazing, inspiring lives, filled with fulfilling work, great friends and family and some brilliant leisure activities.

As such, we run regular surveys to get feedback from the GrownUps community on particular subjects and to dispel the myths and stereotypes. We’ve asked about travel, fitness, technology… and sex.

The answers from the GrownUps survey shows that your sex lives don’t stop just because you’re over 50. Oh no, not at all. In fact, 82.5% of the 709 question respondents said they consider themselves sexual.

To find out more about the sex lives of NZ GrownUps, continue on… but beware: answers are most definitely appropriate for a mature audience only.  You MUST also be a GrownUp member to download.

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