GrownUps New Zealand

Strengthen Your Sex Life

What does it take to have a satisfying and fulfilling love life with your partner?  It’s well documented that 50% of couples say they are unhappy with their sex lives. A statistic that is difficult to ignore.  In most cases the longer a couple is together the more difficult it can be to sustain an elevated level of intimacy, passion and romance as life’s challenges take over and day to day tasks become more important than what’s happening in the bedroom between you and your partner.  But it’s also evident that when you place your love life on the back burner your relationship and satisfaction with life in general can take a terrible plunge for the worse.

As a wife, mother and business owner, I’ve made it my personal challenge to seek out what it is that we can do to keep our sex lives strong and our relationships truly satisfying.

1. Communication. 

This may seem like a basic request, however failure to communicate is the number one reason relationships crumble. To have a successful relationship you must keep the lines of communication open.  This means that we must be upfront and honest at all times, letting our partner know exactly how we feel.  In other words, no faking it in the bedroom ladies! Take the risk to tell your partner how you feel, what you want, what your fears or hesitations are, even what your fantasies are.  Though it may be uncomfortable at first, it is certain that your relationship will strengthen by communicating more effectively and being open to your partner’s needs and wants.

2. Place Your Pre-Existing Notions of “SEX” Aside.

How you were raised or how you understand sex may be from a stand point of negativity, one that may perceive sexual acts as “dirty” or “wrong”.  The fact of the matter is that to find true satisfaction you must place those feelings aside and understand that sex and a healthy love life is natural and necessary in order to have a healthy relationship.  What happens in the bedroom is between you and your partner and exploring the never ending options and ways to satisfy each other physically are also perfectly natural.

3. Make Sex a Priority.

Now I know we all have busy lives and sometimes it can be easier to say, “I’m not in the mood”.  But we must understand that our love life is just as important as making dinner and every other daily task!  Take the time to get in the mood.  And men, take time to help your partner get in the mood.  This may take experimentation, and it may take some patience. Be aware that there are numerous options out there to help you set the mood; such as lingerie, sex toys, candles, lotions and oils, or a simple massage or a relaxing bath.  Bottom line is that you must schedule time in for sex, make it your time to strengthen and enhance your relationship.

4. Lastly, Remember To Continue Dating.

It makes no difference how long you have been together or what your schedule is.  It is vitally important that you have time together away from the home, doing things that you enjoy together without all of the other distractions of every day life.  Make a list of activities that you would like to do.  Even if it is as simple as going out for ice cream or picking up the dry cleaning together or both of you taking the dog out for a walk.  Date each other and find that your love life will thrive as a result.

It’s evident that an intimate relationship is something that we all must work on in order to be successful.  Over time, our sex lives and relationships can suffer terribly if we don’t make sex and intimacy a priority.  Communicate with your partner and decide as a unit that you are going to work on finding true satisfaction together.

Article by Codi Miller