GrownUps New Zealand

Long Term Relationships and Good Sex

Couples who have reached high milestones in their relationships oftentimes find themselves going through challenging phases where sexual interest seem to be waning. In fact, there are over 56% of those who were involved in studies about the level of sexual activities of couples in a long term relationship reported that their sexual interests are diminishing as they continue to add years to their relationships. A growing number of these couples are also having difficulty seeking professional help lest they be tagged as perverts especially when they are already in their midlife or even beyond.

According to these couples, they still find sexual acts pleasurable and gratifying; yet keeping that sexual energy seems to be getting more difficult as they grow older. However, they must find solace to the fact that one can still summon the needed sexual energy to sustain their sexual appetite. The challenge is to learn how and where to find this sexual energy.

Comfort and not anxiety impedes your sexual passion. Yet, we all know that comfort is very essential to any kind of relationship. It is the affirmation and source of sustenance for couples who seek to give their relationship the needed boost through predictability, familiarity and intimacy. Partners whose relationship take on different levels of intimacy become more comfortable in their sex life as they are able reinforce the sexual aspect of their relationship through complementation, respect and care for their partners.

You must also mature and move out of your comfort zone if you do not want to stagnate and allow your sexual life to deteriorate. Your comfort perspective is dynamic and you continue to sustain your comfort zone when you endeavour to avoid the feeling of anxiety. Anxiety can really affect one’s disposition but once it is properly handled, you can expect a more fulfilling life ahead of you.

Maintaining your sexual vitality can produce both pleasure and untold anxiety. This only means that anxiety is a given in any healthy sexual relationship. What is important is that you must be able to harness the effects of these anxieties so that you can promote and escalate your erotic energies.

Tensions that emanate from the anxiety that couples feel can even force them to develop a higher degree of tolerance, taste and skill for an erotic sex life. You must be able to tolerate the intense emotions of your partner in the same way that you learn to live and accept your own emotions. Managing your anxieties mean that you are able to tolerate the “excesses” of your partner and there is no middle ground here as there are no compromises. Everything must be taken in absolute terms.

Article by Billy Daggeett