GrownUps New Zealand

Hit That G-spot!

Understanding your body in the pursuit of desire is not something to be ashamed of and hopefully in today’s modern world, it’s not. Sexual pleasure and expression thankfully have become more accepted – society has changed and evolved and while there will always be some cohort of people who choose to suppress these expressions (for various reasons, sometimes religious commitments) we definitely have seen a shift in attitudes towards sex.

Modern culture has been awarded the distinction of causing this paradigm shift with TV shows like Sex and the City and Girls really pushing boundaries. Sales of rabbit vibrators for example were said to have seen a dramatic jump following a famous scene in the HBO classic series Sex and the City.

Concepts such as the G-spot and the P-spot (the prostate gland for those not in the know!) allow women and men to expand their self pleasure experiences. Casual relationships and casual dating are commonplace in today’s world and these are facilitated by the advent of dating apps like Tinder and Grindr and so on. Peoples’ attitudes have changed to multiple dating as long as they’re being honest and responsible (in terms of safe sex).

This video from our friends over at Carvaka is a fun way to learn about the whole topic of the G-spot and how the concept came about… it will also hopefully help anyone to locate the area if they already haven’t done so!