GrownUps New Zealand

Early detection for Macular Degeneration can save your sight!

Did you know that Macular Degeneration affects 1 person in 7 over the age of 50?  And by 80 years old 1 in 4 people will experience vision loss that will impact on daily living.

So what can you do to help with early detection.  Macular Degeneration NZ recommends at least bi-annual eye checks from the age of 50 years with an optometrist who will then guide the frequency of future tests.

Periodic self-tests are encouraged.  One very simple and free test is using an Amsler Grid. The Amsler Grid is a useful tool to detect vision problems resulting from damage to the macula (the central part of the retina)

How to do it

  1. Wearing your reading glasses, cover one eye. Hold grid at eye level, then focus on the dot in the centre.
  2. Do any of the lines look wavy or distorted?
  3. Are there any missing areas or dark areas in the grid?
  4. Report any irregularity to your eye care professional immediately. The grid does not replace having your macula tested by an eye care professional.

Early detection for Macular Degeneration can save your eyesight!

For further information or to receive an information pack including a grid card with a magnet to affix to your fridge, call Macular Degeneration NZ on 0800 622 852, or email or visit

Blackmores supports the work of MDNZ and 5% of sales from Blackmores eye health range goes to further MDNZ’s awareness and education programme.