GrownUps New Zealand

The importance of an updated, relevant CV

With the understandable affect that COVID-19 is having on recruitment, if you are looking for work, logically when some “normality” returns, it is a very good use of your time to really focus on having a CV that is concise, relevant, up-to-date and well presented. Having a quality CV is such a key component of securing a work opportunity and especially if you haven’t been in the workforce for a while

Updating your CV

It’s worth noting that as a mature worker your CV will almost certainly need to be updated and revised for the next role you choose to embark on. Employers will be keeping an eye out for relevant and up to date information, so try to avoid a long chronological CV of all career experience over numerous pages. Be specific and keep your CV short but punchy.

CV/resume tips for mature job seekers

CV templates

You can easily find numerous CV templates on the internet. As a summary, ensure that your CV includes the following:

For more information or to help your search for employment, check out Seniors@Work