Halle says she used to spend all her pocket or birthday money but has learned now to spend some, and save some too, thanks to her new-found skills.
“I like to spend my money on clothes and skateboards but I have learned how to save for bigger things,” says Halle. “I’m saving up for a longboard and to go to university so I can become a police officer.”
Orewa North Primary school Principal Bruce Laws says there has been a significant change in perception of money by Kiwi kids over the years which had made the ASB GetWise programme even more vital for teaching pupils key life skills.
“Not long ago, kids thought money grew on trees because they saw the physical cash often but now it’s all in plastic, so it’s difficult for children to understand where money actually comes from.
ASB is passionate about financial literacy and helping Kiwi kids to learn important money management skills. The programme aims to help New Zealand’s young people to make better financial decisions. Independent, trained facilitators deliver interactive workshops that have been mapped against the New Zealand school curriculum and designed in collaboration with experts in primary education and cognitive development.
Teachers are also provided with resource packs to help them to provide ongoing financial literacy lessons in the classroom at their own pace.
Parents can also find money tips on how they can work with their children on money matters at home at asb.co.nz/GetWise
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