GrownUps New Zealand

Power To The People

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It is getting to the time of year where power companies start adjusting their prices before people start using more. Usually upward. Electricity prices can become significant  during the winter months when we use more power to keep our homes warm, comfortable and light.

It is admirable to have long-standing relationships with suppliers – most of the time. Power companies can be the exception. Six months ago, I switched power companies when a very nice chap knocked on my door one afternoon, and in the manner of an old gangster movie, ‘made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.’

It was free and all I had to do was sign on the dotted line – then came my bill – and it was significantly cheaper than I had been paying. All good so far! The nice chap had informed me that the price would stand for six months, after which my account would be charged at the going rate of the day.

That day was today – I received a phone call (very courteous and most appreciated), informing me that my trial was over, but that the new deal required me to pay a higher rate and sign up for two years or face a hefty disconnection fee.

Not quite such an attractive offer. 

However, armed with the knowledge that it is a more consumer-focused market, I made phone calls to two other electricity providers. As luck would have it, I was able to secure just as good a deal, where my electricity price is guaranteed for the next 12 months.

Again, it costs me nothing to switch to a better deal and my power supply is unaffected. It is worth investigating the best deal and asking what special offers are available, whether you are a low or high user. It may seem too hard to shop around, but my savings on a bill that has been up to $220 were impressive – the loves bill I received on the special rate was $109.38 (including a prompt payment discount).

Happy shopping around – it may make your winter bills far more affordable!