GrownUps New Zealand

Savings More Than Crumbs

 Read more Oily Rag articles by Frank and Muriel Newman 

The nation’s Budget has been read and the annual debate over who won and lost has begun in earnest. The government has even set up an online calculator to make it easier for us ordinary folk to calculate exactly how much better off we will be. That tends to range from a few dollars a week for low income earners to $20 and more for those on $70,000 a year and over.
While counting the cents is obviously of passing interest, most oily raggers tend to take the view that families should “ask not want the government can do for you, ask what you can do for yourself” (to paraphrase a quote from a famous US president).
A few dollars here and there in tax savings is not as significant as the hundreds of dollars a week that can be saved by embracing frugality – as the tips mentioned in our book “Living Off the Smell of an Oily Rag” clearly show. Let’s do a quick review of some of the tips that prove that point.

You can contract Frank and Muriel Newman via the oily rag website ( or by writing to Living off the Smell of an Oily Rag, PO Box 984, Whangarei.
* Frank and Muriel Newman are the authors of Living off the Smell of an Oily Rag in NZ. Readers can submit their oily rag tips on-line at The book is available from bookstores and online at