GrownUps New Zealand

Loo Paper and Recycling

Read more Oily Rag articles  By Frank and Muriel Newman

We recently noticed an interesting article about a company making toilet paper out of recycled sugar cane stalks. It said recycled toilet paper is more expensive than the stuff made straight from trees (“because the carbon footprint is huge”) which got us thinking about recycled paper in general and loo paper in particular.

So we sent the staff in the Oily Rag Research and Product Testing Department off to our local supermarket to see what they could find out. They certainly found a lot of different types of toilet tissue, so they stuck with 2-ply rolls to make things a little easier.

The cheapest was a supermarket branded pack of 12 for $3.99 or about 33 cents each. The most expensive was a very nice cotton paper, lovely to touch, with marine pictures which we are sure makes for a better little-room experience. It was 80 cents a roll.

Those who were a little less concerned about the quality of the paper itself but wanted pictures anyway, would have to pay 58 cents a roll.

The surprising find, was, just as the article had said, toilet paper made from recycled materials did cost more than the regular types – it was about 66 cents a roll. So, here’s another example where those who want to save the earth will have to pay more to do so – about twice as much in the case of toilet paper.

As a general rule, if you are paying more than 40 cents a roll then you may be paying more than you need to. For those who want to get really technical there are about 230 pieces to a roll, so if a person uses… well, you work it out!

While on the subject of paper – writing paper, that is! – why not make your own? You will need scrap paper, water, an electric blender or your own pulping device, starch (if you are going to use felt tip pen on the paper), a few lengths of small-gauge timber, a small piece of cheesecloth (or muslin cloth), and some kitchen wipes.

The first step is making the mould. You will need timber (flat picture framing timber is ideal). Two identical moulds/frames need to be made. These should be made in the same way one would make a picture frame. We suggest that, at least initially, you make a frame with the inside measurements of a normal A4 sheet of paper (210mm x 300mm approx).

Next, take one of the frames and stretch cheesecloth across it. Pull the cloth tightly over the frame and secure it firmly to the other side of the frame using staples or tacks. Do this to one of the two frames only. Once your moulds have been completed you are ready to begin.

To make a pulp, collect a quantity of scrap paper – avoid newsprint as the ink runs, and thick glossy paper which does not pulp well – tear up the paper into small pieces about 40mm square, throw into a blender and add water. Keep adding water and paper pieces until the mixture forms a paste.

Next, place the covered frame in a flat container, with the cheesecloth-covered side face up, and place the uncovered frame on top. Carefully, while holding the two frames firmly together, pour some of the slurry mixture to cover the cheesecloth with a thin layer of pulp. Keeping the frames in this position, place them to one side to drain.

Meanwhile, place a towel on a flat surface and on this place a kitchen wipe. When most of the water has dripped away from the frames, take away the top frame and flip the bottom frame over so that the pulp comes away from the cloth and falls onto the kitchen wipe. Place another kitchen wipe on top of this and repeat the process until up to six layers of paper have been built up, each separated by a kitchen wipe.

To squeeze out the excess water, place a breadboard on top of the stack and compress it. Standing on it will do the trick! Next peel away the stack and leave the paper in the air to dry.

There you go – it’s as simple as that! Along with waste paper, most organic material (like rose petals or green waste) can be turned into distinctive home-made paper suitable for those extra special projects!

Do you have a favourite money-saving pet care tip that you would like to share with others? Let us know by going to or writing to PO Box 984, Whangarei.

* Frank and Muriel Newman are the authors of Living Off the Smell of an Oily Rag in NZ. Readers can submit their oily rag tips on-line at The book is available from bookstores and online at