GrownUps New Zealand

Cheap and Cheerful Christmas

 Read more Oily Rag articles by Frank and Muriel Newman 

It’s been a tough year for many but more and more are meeting the challenge by living off the smell of an oily rag. It’s certainly been a busy year for the Oily Rag team. Membership of the Oily Rag Club has more than doubled to just over 2300 creating a vibrant exchange of money saving ideas.

It’s Christmas again (already) so we thought it appropriate to reflect on some of the best Christmas tips. The oily rag trick is to be generous, but frugal. Being a creative lot, oily raggers do this in many ways.

Living Off the Smell of an Oily Rag by Frank & Muriel Newman is available from all good bookstores or online at Tell us about your cashless Christmas gifts and we will share them with others. You can contact us through the oily rag website (or write to Living off the Smell of an Oily Rag, PO Box 984, Whangarei.

*Frank and Muriel Newman are the authors of Living Off the Smell of an Oily Rag in NZ. Readers can submit their oily rag tips on-line at The book is available from bookstores and online at